Book and Movie Reviews

Potter Perfection – 3rd X a Charm

PoTtEr PeRfEcTiOn… 3rd X (Really) is a Charm

Here we are… again… This time, I’m going to talk about Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. In this book, a notorious murderer, Sirius Black,the first EVER to escape from Azkaban (the wizarding prison), is on the loose. Sirius Black is after Harry Potter. Everyone is afraid of Sirius Black. Harry’s friends are all worried about him, and Harry soon finds out a surprising truth about him and Sirius Black. Horrible creatures are on the grounds of Hogwarts, and Harry is counting on his new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin, to help him. By the end of the book, two lives are saved, freedom is lost, secrets are revealed, a prophecy is made, trust is gained, and a former ally becomes a foe… only in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. WHICH is why I LOVE THIS BOOK. I would give it 5 Stars. I hope you enjoy it

That’s all for today,


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