
Something Super Fun to Do…

Do you know what I think is super fun to do? …Without any context (context is extra information that helps you understand what something is about) I’m sure it will be really hard for you to guess….so I’ll just tell you. I LOVE riding my bike!

Have you learned how to ride a bike? It is really hard to do. (my dad says it was harder for my four brothers than it was for me – just sayin). But even though it is hard…and dangerous…and can be frustrating.. It is SO worth it. The funny thing is, once you learn how to do it, it becomes really easy. And did I mention that it is really fun?

When I got my first bike it was my favorite color, pink and I got tassels to hang out of the handles on the handlebar. If you like, you can get other accessories like a bell or a license plate to hang on it too! One of the coolest things about a bike is that you get steer it – so unlike when I’m in the car with my mom or dad or oldest brother – when I have to go wherever they are driving – when I ride my bike it is entirely up to me! And not only do I get to pick where I want to go, but I also get to decide how fast I want to get there. 
Some times I just ride my bike in circles in my driveway – enjoying the view down our street as I ride (I bet by now you figured out why I have the picture at the beginning of this blog?).

If that gets boring, one of the places I ride my bike to is my next door neighbor Ella’s house (that’s her nickname – her whole name is Ellasandra). She is really smart, and just like me she is really adventurous – so we usually have a ton of fun together. But when I go to see Ella – I have to do one of my least favorite things you can do on a bike –ride up hill! I don’t like riding up hill because it takes extra hard pedaling and if you don’t keep up your speed it’s possible you can crash.  Really, the only good thing about riding up hill that I can think of is that crashing while you’re riding up hill is better than crashing when you’re riding down hill!

I’m usually someone who thinks it is good for people to learn things for themselves, but in this case, I really think you should take my word for it!  Now that you have some context (there’s that word again) – can you guess what my least favorite thing to do on my bike is? If you guessed “crashing” – you’re not wrong! Riding a bike is fun all by itself. But it’s also fun to ride down bike paths or ride with other people. Since bike paths can get kind of crowded – I also like riding around the cul-de-sac (another word for it is court) at the end of my street – Our cul-de-sac is big and round and most importantly – FLAT. Sometimes I ride around the cul-de-sac with my brothers and my friends and we pretend like we are adults driving to our jobs. When we do that, I like to pretend I’m a paramedic in an ambulance – so when someone else crashes I can come to the rescue!

Well, it’s time for me to go, but by the next time you hear from me, I hope I’ll be able to tell you about my “new bike” (my birthday is coming and I’ve kind of outgrown my first one). I don’t know if I’ll get tassels again, but I do know that I want to get a license plate that reads  “MsSS”.

Would you ever want to ride a bike like this?

Bye 4 now!         Miss Smarty Skirt (MsSS)

Context – Extra information that helps you understand something better
Cul- de-sac – A street closed at one end
Nickname – Something that people call something instead of it’s regular name – a lot of the time a person’s nickname is just a shorter version of their name.

Fun Fact: A bicycle has 2 wheels – a unicycle only has one – kind of like a monocle only has one lens!